If you’re one of those who are in search of web development certification that can help you in your career. Then keep on reading. In this article, I’ll share some best platforms and websites that will help you in becoming a Professional Web Developer.
Why Web Development Certifications?
If you’re a beginner in web development and want to pursue your career and grow. Then, certification and hands-on experience will play a big role in helping you to land a job. Basically, The certifications follow a step-by-step process that helps beginners to solve problems that they’ll face every day in their life. Alternatively, If we follow a YouTube Video or a random tutorial. It will not be helpful for most beginners because The tools and techniques being used in the tutorial may not be familiar to the viewer.
Best Websites for Web Development Certification
1. Udemy

Released in 2010. It gained a lot of attention from instructors and students over the last 10 years due to the quality of courses and resources they provide. Udemy Also offers free courses uploaded by some sellers, but most of the quality certification courses are paid. You can buy a course related to your interest and start learning today. My journey as a Freelance Web Developer started from learning Basics on Udemy.
2. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms for Professionals. It also has a learning platform that suggests different certifications and courses according to your interest. IF you’re already a LinkedIn Premium user. You can enjoy these courses for free because your subscription includes access to learning.
3. Coursera

Coursera is another great platform with great learning resources available. You can enroll in Free as well as Paid Courses to learn and get web development certification. You should definitely check out Coursera if you’re interested in getting web development certification.
4. Skillshare

Skillshare is another LMS Platform with tons of courses available with high quality videos, assignments and study material. Furthermore, You can choose a course based on your interest to get started with learning.
5. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp has thousands of written tutorials with practices and assignments. As the name suggests. It is completely free and you’ll get certification after completing courses successfully. If love reading, FreeCodeCamp is the site for you.
6. Udacity

Short courses on Udacity Aimed to deliver high values to its user base. You’ll learn to build high quality websites by learning from experts with years of experience in related fields.
7. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is also a free platform with tons for tutorials for people who are interested in learning new things. In addition, Every course follows step-by-step videos from beginner level to advance with challenges and tasks along the way.
8. Mozilla

Mozilla organization also offers greater written material for learning web development that you can consume without any charges. Furthermore, You can learn basics such as HTML, CSS and JS from their docs before going into depth of web development
9. W3School
W3School is one of the best and Old site for learning and practicing programming skills. I also started HTML, CSS from w3school and learned all the basics through its easy-to-navigate interface. Moreover, I would say that It is an essential website to bookmark during your learning process
10. YouTube
Last, but not least. Our Favorite learning platform with tons of learning resources. There are a lot of youtube channels on Youtube where you can learn web development absolutely free of cost. For every developer, Youtube is an essential tool to learn new trends and technologies of the web.
There are a lot of websites and platforms to learn and earn web development certifications. However, I’ve shared some of the most preferred and best platforms that you can join if you’re looking to invest in yourself.