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Top Freelance Web Development Skills in 2023

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By Faraz Ahmed

Updated on: May 15, 2022

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The freelance web development landscape is always changing. What skills were in demand last year may not be as needed this year? That’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and skills that are being sought after by businesses.

Here are some of the top skills for freelance web developers in 2023:


These two technologies are the foundation of all web development. If you don’t have a strong understanding of them, you won’t be able to build anything. HTML is used to develop markup for the webpage, while CSS helps in styling the website. Learning these technologies will enable you to learn Advanced Technologies.


Freelance web developers are often asked to know multiple programming languages. While some may try to learn them all, it is often more practical to focus on the most popular ones. Out of all the languages you could learn, javascript should be at the top of your list. Here’s why:

Javascript is a client-side scripting language that runs in the user’s web browser. That means that it doesn’t require any additional software or plugins in order to run, which makes it very user-friendly. Secondly, javascript is one of the most popular programming languages, which means that there is a large community of developers who can help you if you get stuck. And finally, learning javascript will make you more marketable as a freelance web developer since many clients request it specifically.

So if you’re looking to add another programming language to your skillset, javascript is a great choice. By learning javascript, you’ll be able to expand your career opportunities and better meet the needs of your clients.

Also Read: How to Become a Freelance Web site Designer


PHP is a scripting language that enables developers to create dynamic web content. It is one of the most popular languages on the web, and it is relatively easy to learn. In addition, PHP can be used on both Windows and Linux servers, making it a versatile tool for Freelance Web Developers. As the demand for Freelance Web Developers continues to grow, learning PHP will give you a valuable skill that will help you secure projects and build a successful career.


One of the most important skills for a freelance web developer know how to use MySQL. MySQL is a database management system that enables you to store and retrieve data on a server. This is essential for any website that needs to save user data, such as login information or preferences. In addition, MySQL also makes it easy to link multiple tables of data together, which can be extremely useful for complex websites. As a result, learning how to use MySQL is essential for anyone who wants to be a successful freelance web developer.


Freelance web development is a growing industry with many opportunities for skilled developers. One popular platform for developers is WordPress. It is a content management system (CMS) that enables developers to create custom websites and applications. Moreover, It is used by millions of businesses and individuals around the world, making it a popular choice for developers.

Freelance developers can choose to work with clients directly or through online marketplace platforms such as Upwork. Employees of WordPress development companies typically work on projects for multiple clients simultaneously. Developers can also choose to specialize in specific areas of WordPress development, such as plugin development or theme customization. With so many options available, there is considerable opportunity for skilled WordPress developers to make good money in this growing industry.

eCommerce development

eCommerce is growing rapidly and many businesses are looking for developers who can build custom online stores. If you have experience with platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.

There are many platforms that you can use to create an online store, but two of the most popular are Shopify and WooCommerce. Shopify is a turnkey solution that makes it easy to get started. WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that gives you more control over the look and feel of your store. Both platforms have their pros and cons, but if you’re serious about making money as a freelancer, then learning how to develop eCommerce stores is a great way to start. You can Earn $15-$100 per hour as freelance e-commerce developer depending upon your skills and experience.

Complete Guide: Freelance Web Developers


Freelance web developers are always on the lookout for new technologies that can help them create better websites faster. That’s why React has become so popular in recent years. React is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to create reusable components. This means that developers can create websites faster by reusing code that they’ve already written.

React native is another popular technology that allows developers to create native mobile apps using the same methodology. This makes it easy for freelance web developers to branch out into mobile app development without having to learn a new language. As a result, react and react native are two technologies that are popular among freelance web developers.


Node.js is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. So, what exactly is Node.js? Node.js is a runtime environment for JavaScript that allows developers to create server-side applications. Node.js is built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine, which makes it fast and efficient. In addition, Node.js has a wide range of modules that makes it easy to add features to your application. ExpressJS is one of the most popular web frameworks for Node.js, and it allows you to quickly create custom routes and views. The MERN stack is a popular stack for building web applications that use MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and Node.js. If you’re looking to make a career out of freelance web development, learning Node.js is a great place to start.

Git and GitHub

One of the biggest challenges is keeping your code organized and up-to-date. In the past, developers would use a series of files and folders to keep track of their code snippets. However, this system was often prone to errors and became quite cumbersome as projects grew in complexity. These days, most developers use Git and Github to manage their code. Git is a free and open-source version control system that lets developers track changes to their codebase over time. Github is a popular online service that provides a web interface for working with Git repositories. While not essential, both Git and Github can be extremely helpful for web developers, particularly those who work on large or complex projects.

Amazon Web Services

AWS is a cloud computing platform that offers developers a wide variety of tools and services to help them build, deploy, and scale their applications. One of the great things about AWS is that it can help developers save time and money on infrastructure costs. With AWS, you can pay for only the resources you need, and there are no upfront costs or long-term commitments. AWS can also help developers reach a larger audience with their applications. With AWS, you can deploy your application in multiple regions around the world, which can help to improve performance and availability. In addition, AWS offers a number of marketing and monetization tools that can help you to promote and sell your application. AWS is a powerful platform that can help developers to save time and money, reach a larger audience, and monetize their applications.


SEO, or search engine optimization, is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages. A successful SEO campaign can result in more web traffic, leads, and sales. For freelance web developers, SEO can be a great way to make more money. By optimizing their clients’ websites for search engines, they can help them to achieve higher rankings and visibility. In turn, this can lead to more web traffic and sales. While SEO can be complex, there are a number of resources available to help freelance web developers learn the basics. With a little time and effort, SEO can be a great way to make more money as a freelance web developer.


The web3 stack refers to the technologies that power the decentralized web. This includes everything from blockchain platforms like Ethereum to web development frameworks like web3.js. As a web developer, learning web3 technologies can open up a whole new world of opportunities.

With web3, you can build decentralized applications (dApps) that run on the blockchain. This means that you can create apps that are censorship-resistant and tamper-proof. What’s more, because dApps run on a decentralized network, they are also incredibly scalable. So, if you’re looking to build the next big thing, web3 is definitely worth considering.

Of course, web3 technologies are still in their early stages of development. So, if you’re not comfortable working with cutting-edge technologies, this might not be the right fit for you. However, if you’re willing to put in the time to learn, web3 could be a great way to make money as a web developer.


This year, the top freelance web development skills will be: blockchain development, virtual reality development, and augmented reality development.
-Web developers who want to stay ahead of the curve should start learning these skills now.
-There will also be a growing demand for front-end developers and back-end developers.
If you’re looking to learn more about web development or find a job in this field, check out our courses! We have everything from introductory tutorials to advanced masterclasses.

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